

2022 KEASTWEST Online International Conference

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The 2022 KEASTWEST Online International Conference will take place on October 29, from 3:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. co-hosted by the Korea East-West Comparative Literature Association (KEASTWEST), ICLA, and Dongguk University Transmedia World Literature Institute/Digital Humanities LAB,


This Online Symposium marks the 25th anniversary of the foundation of The KEASTWEST and is scheduled as a Pre-Congress Symposium to the 2025 ICLA-Congress that will be hosted at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.


Conference Theme:

“New Comparative Literature and World Literature in the Age of Hyper-Digital Connection: Translation, Media, and Digital Humanities”.

Time: 3:00 PM to 12:00 AM, 29 October 2022.

Platforms: Zoom and YouTube

Beginning with keynote addresses by Professors Lucia Boldrini (University of London, Goldsmiths, President of ICLA) and Sandra Bermann (Princeton University, former president of ICLA), 15 distinguished comparative literature specialists from ten countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, Austria, Italy, France, Denmark, China, India, Taiwan, and Korea) will deliver presentations. The theme of the concluding roundtable discussion is "New direction of comparative world literature in the era of digital technologies.“


The participants and titles of their presentations are shown below.


-Haun Saussy, University of Chicago
“Translation, Adaptation and Repurposing: Where Writers and Scholars Often Diverge”

-Sandra L. Bermann, Princeton University
“Translation, Migration and Digital Humanities”

Europe 7: UK2, Denmark, France, Italy, Austria, Arab Emirates

-Svend Erik Larsen, Aarus University
“Analogical reasoning: the horizontality of world literature”

-Anne Tomiche, University of Paris, Sorbonne
“Comparative Literature and Gender Studies in the Digital Age”

-Massimo Fusillo, University of L'Aquila
“Comparative literature between Intermediality and Digital Age”

-Vladimir Biti, University of Vienna
“Goethe's Weltliteratur as a trauma narrative”

-Paulo Horta, New York University Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates
“Unsung Storytellers of World Literature: a history without an archive”

-Galin Tihanov, Queen Mary University of London
“"World Literature and Literary Theory: a Reconsideration"

-Lucia Boldrini, University of London Goldsmiths,
“The immediacy of distant memory: Literature, photography, journalism, and the representation of destruction”

Asia 5: India, China2, Taiwan, Korea

-Ipshita Chanda, EFLU of Hyderabad, India
“Virtual Alterities : The Ethics of Relation and ‘World’ Literature.”

Cao Shunqing, Sichuan U

The Comparative Literary hermeneutics”

-Wang Ning, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
“Digital Humanities in Contemporary Studies of Comparative and World Literature”

-Sebastian Hsien-hao Liao, National Taiwan University
“The Last Man: Imagining the Plague”

-Youngmin Kim, Dongguk University/Hangzhou Normal University
"Transductive Reading of Comparative Literature and Digital Humanities"



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